.. _compatibility: ************* Compatibility ************* .. default-domain:: woop .. contents:: On this page :local: :backlinks: none :depth: 2 :class: singlecol Ruby Couchbase Driver Compatibility =================================== The following compatibility table specifies the versions of `Ruby driver for Couchbase Ruby Client `_ (the ``couchbase`` gem) supported by the most recent patch releases of the specified CouchbaseOrm versions. .. note:: Older versions of CouchbaseOrm within the same minor release may support older driver versions. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :class: compatibility-large no-padding * - CouchbaseOrm - Couchbase SDK 3.3 * - last - |checkmark| Ruby Compatibility ================== The following compatibility table specifies the versions of Ruby interpreters supported by CouchbaseOrm. "D" in a column means support for that Ruby version is deprecated. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :class: compatibility-large no-padding * - CouchbaseOrm - Ruby 3.2 - Ruby 3.1 - Ruby 3.0 - Ruby 2.7 - Ruby 2.6 - Ruby 2.5 - Ruby 2.4 - Ruby 2.3 - Ruby 2.2 - JRuby 9.4 - JRuby 9.3 - JRuby 9.2 * - last - - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - - - - - - - - CouchbaseOrm Server Compatibility ================================= The following compatibility table specifies the recommended version(s) of CouchbaseOrm for use with a specific version of Couchbase server. Note that in order to use features of a particular Couchbase server version, both the driver and CouchbaseOrm must support that server version. Please refer to `the driver compatibility page `_ for driver compatibility matrices. The following compatibility table specifies the versions of Ruby interpreters supported by CouchbaseOrm. "D" in a column means support for that Ruby version is deprecated. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :class: compatibility-large no-padding * - CouchbaseOrm - Couchbase 7.6.0 - Couchbase 7.2.0 - Couchbase 7.2.0 - Couchbase 7.1.0 - Couchbase 7.0.0 - Couchbase 6.5.5 * - last - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - |checkmark| .. _rails-compatibility: Rails Compatibility =================== The following compatibility table specifies which versions of Ruby on Rails are supported by CouchbaseOrm. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :class: compatibility-large no-padding * - CouchbaseOrm - Rails 7.1 - Rails 7.0 - Rails 6.1 - Rails 6.0 - Rails 5.2.7 * - last - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - |checkmark| - |checkmark| .. include:: /includes/unicode-checkmark.rst .. include:: /includes/unicode-ballot-x.rst Rails Frameworks Support ------------------------ Ruby on Rails is comprised of a number of frameworks, which CouchbaseOrm attempts to provide compatibility with wherever possible. Though CouchbaseOrm attempts to offer API compatibility with `Active Record `_, libraries that depend directly on Active Record may not work as expected when CouchabseOrm is used as a drop-in replacement. .. note:: CouchbaseOrm can be used alongside Active Record within the same application without issue.