.. _callbacks: ********* Callbacks ********* .. default-domain:: woop .. contents:: On this page :local: :backlinks: none :depth: 2 :class: singlecol CouchbaseOrm implements many of the `ActiveRecord callbacks `_. Document Callbacks ================== CouchbaseOrm supports the following callbacks for documents: - ``after_initialize`` - ``after_build`` - ``before_validation`` - ``after_validation`` - ``before_create`` - ``around_create`` - ``after_create`` - ``after_find`` - ``before_update`` - ``around_update`` - ``after_update`` - ``before_upsert`` - ``around_upsert`` - ``after_upsert`` - ``before_save`` - ``around_save`` - ``after_save`` - ``before_destroy`` - ``around_destroy`` - ``after_destroy`` Callbacks are available on any document, whether it is embedded within another document or not. Note that to be efficient, CouchbaseOrm only invokes the callback on the document that the persistence action was executed on. This enables CouchbaseOrm to support large hierarchies and to handle optimized atomic updates efficiently (without invoking callbacks throughout the document hierarchy). Note that using callbacks for domain logic is a bad design practice, and can lead to unexpected errors that are hard to debug when callbacks in the chain halt execution. It is our recommendation to only use them for cross-cutting concerns, like queueing up background jobs. .. code-block:: ruby class Article < CouchabseOrm::Base attribute :name, type: String attribute :body, type: String attribute :slug, type: String before_create :send_message after_save do |document| # Handle callback here. end protected def send_message # Message sending code here. end end Callbacks are coming from Active Support, so you can use the new syntax as well: .. code-block:: ruby class Article < CouchabseOrm::Base attribute :name, type: String set_callback(:create, :before) do |document| # Message sending code here. end end